Today’s average pet has what veterinarians call “sticky blood” which comes from everyday occurrences. These occurrences include fatty foods, increased sugar consumption, poor pet food, certain medications and environmental stress. Occurrences cause red blood cells to stick together and “stack up” like a roll of coins. This prevents nutrients from being properly absorbed in your pet(s). Prevail K-9™ is a supercharged, proprietary blend of nano-sized electrolytes that charge your pets cell. Also re inflating them and spacing them apart so they can float freely through their body. Once they are apart and have regained a healthy shape and fluidity, the cells can absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins at a much higher capacity. Both nutrients and oxygen are delivered inside the cells far better than before.

Is your dog lacking abundance and energy? Prevail K-9 is the next generation in nutritional supplements for dogs.

Prevail K-9

Designed exclusively for dogs, the FIRST AND ONLY product of it’s kind and you’ll NEVER want your pet to be WITHOUT IT! Prevail K-9 is what EVERY dog owner will want their pet to have…EVERY SINGLE DAY!

One of the most important features of healthy red blood cells in your dog is the ability to maintain maximum hydration. Maximum hydration is also referred to as osmotic pressure. Under a microscope, this essential characteristic is similar to a fully inflated basketball. The cell becomes round and tight. Electromagnetically charging the cells enhances their osmotic pressure, thus inducing rapid cellular hydration and the ability to carry oxygen, vitamins, and minerals into the cells.

When you use Prevail K-9™, your dog will feel more energy and an abundance of health like never before! Give your pet Prevail K-9™ today and see just how good they feel!